A Devotional For Women – Why I Wrote Wife After God

Have you ever felt the pang of despair?

There was a time when I was enveloped by the darkness of despair. Although I claimed to know God, I was pushing him away because of bitterness. Although I was married, I felt utterly alone. I was losing all hope as depression dragged me further away from God and away from my husband.

I may have felt trapped beneath the weight of defeat, but God was not willing to lose me. He pursued me relentlessly, even though I was pushing Him away… His love pursued me. It took time for me to recognize His faithfulness when I was unfaithful, but when I did, my heart changed. God’s great love transformed me and filled my heart with hope.

I began to seek after God, I began to draw close to Him and He drew even closer to me. Then I realized something incredible was happening in my marriage. The closer I got to God, the closer I got to my husband. Slowly the walls of bitterness and anger were tumbling down. God’s grace was mending my brokenness and reconciling my marriage.

Wife After God is a result of that time I spent chasing after God. Wife After God is a culmination of the powerful correlations God revealed to me about the two most important relationships I will ever have – my walk with Him and my marriage.

God also showed me that there are other wives throughout the world just like me. Wives who feel distant from their husbands, wives who feel the weight of despair, wives who feel lonely, or wives who are convinced they are in some way broken. He is pursuing each and every one of you just like He pursues me.

I wrote Wife After God to encourage other women to take a leap of faith and seek after God. I wrote it to empower women to find their confidence in God. I wrote it to help women intentionally grow in their faith and in their role as a wife.

Since Unveiled Wife began I have received many of your inquiries about a personal devotional that would also serve as a marriage resource. I have heard your desires and I am honored to present to you my first Unveiled Wife Devotional, Wife After God – A 30 Day Devotional to help you grow closer to God and closer to your husband.

Get this devotional today!



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