Category: Encouragements For Wives

  • What My Husband Wrote Before We Were Married Will Melt Your Heart!

    What My Husband Wrote Before We Were Married Will Melt Your Heart!

    The Unveiled Wife book is based on a true story…my story…and everything I detail within the pages of that book all happened just like I recorded them. I wanted to share with those of you who now are familiar with my story, a treasure that many have commented about saying that it melted their heart.…

  • Do You Believe You Are A Victim Of Your Attitude?

    Do You Believe You Are A Victim Of Your Attitude?

    Do things just happen to you? When you have a negative attitude, does it just happen to you? Do you believe you are a victim of your attitude? This was brought up in conversation with a few other wives when we were talking about how our attitude influences and affects our entire home. I thought…

  • Conversation Starters For Date Night!

    Conversation Starters For Date Night!

    My husband and I found that getting to know one another is a journey that never ends. As husband and wife, we should constantly pursue getting to know one another intimately. One great way to do that is through communication…sharing with one another our likes, dislikes, opinions, and preferences. Being unveiled is all about transparency…

  • There Is No Such Thing As A Perfect Life

    There Is No Such Thing As A Perfect Life

    I had the opportunity to participate in a podcast with my publisher Tyndale Momentum about the content of my book The Unveiled Wife: Embracing Intimacy With God And Your Husband. In the middle of it I said something I had never heard myself say before. It was inspiring to my faith and I hope by…

  • 3 Things To Implement In Your Intimate Relationship

    3 Things To Implement In Your Intimate Relationship

    Marriage is a fantastic blessing, but there is no doubt it has hard seasons that test your love and character. I have been a wife for eight years and when I think back to what we did during the engagement period before my husband and I vowed to be together, there were a few foundational…

  • How To Have A Thriving Marriage In This Debt Economy

    How To Have A Thriving Marriage In This Debt Economy

    The world’s economy is an ever-escalating mound of debt. There are several reasons I believe the debt bubble is so great – let me preface with the fact not one of these are a “bad” thing, just a fact that they have contributed to the debt in our society in some way. These reasons include:…