Ways To Intentionally Build Intimacy With Your Husband


Intimacy is making yourself known as you get to know your spouse deeply.  Having an intimate relationship with your husband is important as security and trust is cultivated.  Establishing an intimate relationship with your husband provides a firm foundation where he will feel comfortable to talk to you about anything going on in his life, while knowing he is loved and cherished.

Intimacy has its greatest impact in conversation, where you get to know each other as you share the deep parts of your hearts. It is imperative that you brush up on your question asking skills.  Instead of asking “How was your day?” and letting that stale question give the opportunity for a stale answer, try using deeper questions such as:

“What was one thing you really enjoyed about today?”

“Did at any point you feel insecure?”

“Was there a moment you wished you were somewhere else?”

“Did God show you anything interesting?”

Asking good questions can radically transform the conversations you have in marriage.  The more creative and intentional your questions are, the deeper answers you will receive!

I also want to say that it is vital that we give our husbands the attention they crave without clutching our phones or computers.  Put it all down and embrace your husband, giving him your full attention at least for a moment each and every day.

Here are a list of more creative ways to build Intimacy with your husband:

– Kiss everyday.

– Don’t be too serious. (Tell jokes, play, laugh)

– Give random gifts that can spark conversation.  A thoughtful give can tough your husband’s heart in a special way.

– Do something together – Find a project you can work on together like a house fix, a hobby, ect.

– Share stories from your life before marriage.

– Get physical every day – even if it is just holding hands!

– Write your husband a love letter!

– Get cozy and go through a devotional together.  This can prompt great conversation.

– Pray together every day, especially for your marriage.

– Cook together as you share your favorite dishes.

– Share favorite memories of you two.

– Go on a hike or watch a sunset and talk about how God is pursuing you both.

– Initiate Date night.

– Make eye-contact! There is something incredibly intimate about intentional eye-contact!

– Talk about major issues like faith, the condition of your marriage, future goals, parenting, finances, politics, ect.

I hope these encourage you and inspire you to cultivate intimacy with your husband.  If you have more ways of cultivating intimacy in marriage please leave them in the comments below!

This is part of a series:

Ways To Build Intimacy With God

Ways To Build Intimacy With Your Children

Ways To Build Intimacy With Your Friends

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