Day: October 8, 2013

  • Striving To Love Without Conditions

    Striving To Love Without Conditions

    Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. -1 Peter 4:8 This verse in 1 Peter has been extremely vital in my relationship with my Husband and for our marriage. On the outside, it seems simple – “love each other deeply”, but put into practice is not always the…

  • Prayer Of The Day – Letting The Little Stuff Go

    Prayer Of The Day – Letting The Little Stuff Go

    Dear Lord, I recognize that I need you to remove my pride.  My marriage suffers because of my pride when I can’t be humble enough to let things go.  Pride convinces me to hold on tight and fight for justice.  Humility gently guides me assuring me that you are my defender.  I choose humility.  Please…