Category: Fights & Disagreements In Marriage

  • Beyond Ordinary By Justin & Trisha Davis – Book Review

    Beyond Ordinary By Justin & Trisha Davis – Book Review

    The first thing that captured my attention with this book was the title, Beyond Ordinary: When A Good Marriage Just Isn’t Good Enough.  It immediately resonated with me because one thing that my husband and I have prayed for since our wedding is an extraordinary marriage.  However, with all the hardships presented in marriage it can be…

  • Annoyances In Marriage

    Annoyances In Marriage

    Have you ever experienced a tormenting annoyance that gnawed at your patience? For the last few nights my husband and I have been startled out of our sleep by the pitter-patter of a rat crawling on the other side of our wall.  It seems like 4 am is the best time for this little pest…

  • Revive Your Attitude In Marriage

    Revive Your Attitude In Marriage

    Last week we encouraged you to Revive Your Prayers In Marriage! This week we are encouraging you to Revive Your Attitude In Marriage! Attitude is a way of thinking and it’s reflected through behavior.  It is what determines how we respond to people or situations. Because attitude stems from perspective, it can quickly change.  I am…

  • Starting New Won’t Fix The Issue It Will Just Replace It

    Starting New Won’t Fix The Issue It Will Just Replace It

    When I was driving home from work the other day, God revealed to me a correlation between my attitude directly towards my car and an attitude towards marriage that many people experience, myself included. My husband and I recently invested a large amount of money to get a few things fixed in our car.  Less…

  • Do You Give Your Husband Your Best?

    Do You Give Your Husband Your Best?

    Giving my husband my best is something that I have always struggled with.  Not because I don’t want to, but rather my selfish nature often reacts before I even think to give him my best. Early this morning I rushed to pack our lunches and snacks for the day.  My husband and I love variety,…

  • How To Avoid Bickering In Marriage

    How To Avoid Bickering In Marriage

    Bickering: To argue about petty or trivial matter. How often does this happen in your marriage? A word gets spoken or an action is done that ignites a spark of tension between you and your husband.  Quickly it escalates where you and him throw in comments that add fuel to the fire. It seems as…