Tag: respect

  • Prayer: Respect Between Husbands and Wives

    Prayer: Respect Between Husbands and Wives

    Dear Lord, We pray for husbands and wives. May Your character manifest in each of us, transforming our hearts to be more like Yours! We pray that husbands and wives would respect each other every moment of the day. Through body language, through our tone of voice, through our every response and action, help us…

  • For When You Need to Know the Way to Use Your Words

    For When You Need to Know the Way to Use Your Words

    I walk in the room and something sets me off. I hear his tone the wrong way, assume a meaning he never intended, and respond with words I eventually regret. Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may…

  • 4 Practical Ways To Show Respect

    4 Practical Ways To Show Respect

    While this idea may be completely foreign to us, men tend to seek respect and affirmation and women tend to seek companionship and love. Statistics show that 3 out of 4 men would rather feel unloved than disrespected. (Love & Respect, Eggerichs) In our love-dominated society, it is portrayed that love should be unending and…

  • Letter To My Husband – Courageous Warrior For Our King

    Letter To My Husband – Courageous Warrior For Our King

      Dear Drew, The love and respect I have for you continues to grow each day. I see your commitment to our King and you inspire me daily. Thank you for living out what you preach. Thank you for loving me and all my flaws. You are my greatest encourager, supporter, my best friend. I…