Author: Unveiled Wife

  • Prayer: Communicating Expectations

    Prayer: Communicating Expectations

    Dear Lord, Thank You for the gift of communication. We appreciate the way we are able to share how we feel toward one another. We also know how important it is to share daily with each other about all that is on our hearts. We pray we would get better at communicating our expectations with…

  • Prayer: Our Character

    Prayer: Our Character

    Dear Lord,  Thank You for all of the growth You have helped us to accomplish. Thank You for the power of Your transforming love. You have shaped and continue to shape our character. We pray our character would resemble Yours. We pray we would be a couple who is faithful, patient, gentle, and generous. We…

  • Prayer: Our Roles

    Prayer: Our Roles

    Dear Lord,  We praise You for You are good and Your love endures forever. We praise You for how You created both of us so uniquely. You have given us different abilities and gifts that bless and benefit our marriage. We pray we would use our abilities and gifts to walk in the roles You…

  • Prayer: Kingdom Minded

    Prayer: Kingdom Minded

    Dear Lord,  Thank You for the opportunity we have today to be a light in this world. We pray our marriage, the way we communicate, the choices we make, and all of the small and big moments we walk in would honor You and point others toward You. We pray we would have a heavenly…

  • Prayer: On The Same Team

    Prayer: On The Same Team

    Dear Lord, Thank You for our lives. Thank You for the opportunities You give us each day to love one another. We pray we would remember that we are one. Please help us to cultivate our relationship. Please help us to encourage and support one another. When hard times come our way, please help us…

  • Prayer: Taking Care Of Our Things

    Prayer: Taking Care Of Our Things

    Dear Lord, Thank You for all that You have provided for us. Beyond basic necessities, You have given us so much more. We pray we would be good stewards of the things You have given to us. We pray we would value our things, even if others don’t or if the actually cost is low.…