Author: Unveiled Wife

  • Prayer: Confidence In God

    Prayer: Confidence In God

    Dear Heavenly Father, You know I have always struggled with insecurities. I have a warped perspective of who I am. It has been so challenging for me to disregard those thoughts of insecurity and lean on Your truths. I ask that You would rewire my mind. Renew the way that I think so that I…

  • Prayer: Healing From Past Wounds

    Prayer: Healing From Past Wounds

    Dear Heavenly Father, I lift up wives all around the world, including myself. I pray that You would heal any past wounds in our hearts. Mend us and help us to move forward. Thank You for those past wounds, for they have contributed to the women we are today. They will always be a part…

  • Letter To My Husband: With love

    Letter To My Husband: With love

    Dear Brian, First I would like to say thank you. Thank you for putting up with me these last four years and for staying by my side and never leaving or giving up on me or us. Brian, before you came into my life I didn’t know what a good man was or could be,…

  • Prayer: God’s Timing

    Prayer: God’s Timing

    Dear God, Please help me trust You and trust Your timing. I tend to get impatient and I tend to take matters into my own hands. I know this is a weakness of mine. I am so sorry. Holy Spirit, please transform this part of me. Help me to trust in You, Lord, and trust…

  • Prayer: Trials and Tests Produce Endurance

    Prayer: Trials and Tests Produce Endurance

    Dear Lord, We come before You, exhausted, hurting, and in need of restoration. The hardships we face can sometimes seem unbearable. We are tired of experiencing pain and depression. Please help us to understand that the trials we face and the tests we face are to produce in us endurance, hope, and a strong character.…

  • Prayer: Agreeing On A Budget

    Prayer: Agreeing On A Budget

    Dear Lord, I pray over marriages right now. I lift up husbands and wives to You. May Your Holy Spirit guide them and direct their steps. I pray You would bless them. Please help them to communicate better and show them how to love extravagantly. May You encourage them in their roles daily. I pray husbands…