Author: Unveiled Wife

  • Prayer: Having Advisers

    Prayer: Having Advisers

    Dear Lord, You say in Your Holy Word the importance and value of having advisers. I believe it is wise for my husband and I to have advisers so that we make wise decisions. We desire to be good stewards of all that You have given to us, and advisers will help us with this.…

  • 37 Perfect Gifts for Your Husband – 2017 Father’s Day Gift Guide

    37 Perfect Gifts for Your Husband – 2017 Father’s Day Gift Guide

    A husband-endorsed list of Father’s Day gifts. Surprise him with something he actually wants! This is a guest article by Morgan, a wife who blogs at Today she’s providing a much-needed list of ideas for Father’s Day gifts. Morgan writes: Father’s Day is on Sunday, June 18th, 2017, so it’s time to think about…

  • Prayer: Repentance

    Prayer: Repentance

    Dear Lord, Thank You for today. Thank You for loving me. I come before You and repent of the sin in my life. I repent of selfishness and how I have been living to gratify my flesh. I hear Your voice trying to guide me, and often times have resisted You. I am so sorry!…

  • Prayer: Avoiding Conversation

    Prayer: Avoiding Conversation

    Dear Lord, I don’t know why I talk myself out of conversation. I do it with You, with my husband, with some of my closest friends. I think it is a mixture of fear, embarrassment, insecurity, and unworthiness. Please change this in me. Please help me to break free of the label I have put…

  • Prayer: Pursuing Your Word

    Prayer: Pursuing Your Word

    Dear God, Your Word is so beautiful. Your Word is a gift. I have access to Your Word, to You, and yet I forget to make it a priority. I am so sorry for this. I pray I would pursue reading Your Holy Word. I pray I would make it a priority. I pray my…

  • Prayer: Avoiding Intimacy

    Prayer: Avoiding Intimacy

    Dear God, I know that intimacy is important for marriage. I know that my husband and I need to be intimate in the way we communicate and the way we treat each other. I know we need to be intimate when we touch and that we need to be available for each other. Please help…