Author: Unveiled Wife

  • When Love Gets Tangled In The Sheets (Free Webcast)

    When Love Gets Tangled In The Sheets (Free Webcast)

    My friend Emily T. Wierenga just released her memoir Making It Home and wanted to share a piece of it with you today. She is a wife, mother, author, encourager…a brave woman willing to share her story. May her words be a light into your life today. Also, there is information to join her for a FREE webcast…

  • Prayer: We Must Be Praying

    Prayer: We Must Be Praying

    Dear Lord, So much is going on in the world right now. So much sorrow, fear, need. I pray that things are brought to our attention so that we can be prayer warriors fighting on the frontlines in battle through prayer. I pray that not one day goes by that we do not neglect to…

  • Prayer: Intentionally Loving Your Husband

    Prayer: Intentionally Loving Your Husband

    Dear God, I pray for marriages all around the world.  I pray for wives and husbands, asking that You bless them and fulfill their marriage in every way. I pray that wives will be able to forgive their husbands when they are wronged, bring peace through their tones, encourage companionship and promote oneness. I pray…

  • Prayer: Your Marriage

    Prayer: Your Marriage

    Dear God, I pray for every marriage all around the world. I ask that You would guard it from the enemy. If the enemy has a hold on any marriage I ask that You remove him in Jesus’ Name! I pray for restoration of relationships. Emotional, mental and physical healing for both husbands and wives.…

  • Prayer: Against Threats of Separation & Divorce

    Prayer: Against Threats of Separation & Divorce

    Dear God, I lift up anyone who may be threatened by divorce or separation. You know every wife’s circumstance. I pray You would guide them and lead them to a place of peace, a place of healing, a place of transformation. I pray that You would protect marriages from the enemy’s schemes and threat of…

  • Prayer: Spouses In Prison

    Prayer: Spouses In Prison

    Dear Lord, You are so good and your love endures forever!  Thank you for marriage!  We lift up couples who are facing hardships right now, especially husbands and wives who have a spouse in prison.  We may not know or understand all of their circumstances, but you do and we ask that you intercede for…