Author: Unveiled Wife

  • Prayer: Having Integrity

    Prayer: Having Integrity

    Dear Lord,  We praise You for Your lovingkindness is deep and wide. We praise You and we thank You for the grace and mercy Your pour out over us. We pray we would remain faithful believers, faithful to reading Your Word, and faithful to our marriage. We pray integrity would be an evident mark of…

  • Prayer: Our Words Matter

    Prayer: Our Words Matter

    Dear Lord,  Thank You for the gift of words. We pray we would be a couple who uses our words to glorify You. We pray we would say things that uplift one another. May Your Words flow from our hearts and may You use them to strengthen our relationship. We pray we would choose to…

  • Prayer: Money Management

    Prayer: Money Management

    Dear Lord,  Thank You for Your provision. Thank You for all that You have given to us to use as a means to live. We pray we would have wisdom as we manage our money. Please shape our perspectives and our views about money. Teach us how You desire us to save it and spend…

  • Prayer: Putting You First

    Prayer: Putting You First

    Dear Lord,  You are righteous and good! We praise You and we thank You for being our Father in Heaven. We lift up our marriage to You. We pray for protection from the enemy. Guard our hearts. Help us to keep You first above all other priorities. Help us to put You first in the…

  • Prayer: Preserve Our Love

    Prayer: Preserve Our Love

    Dear Lord,  Thank You for your faithfulness. Thank you for your gift of love. Thank you for showing us how to love. We pray we would choose to love each other every day. We pray we would recognize when we are not loving and humbly repent. May Your Holy Spirit inspire us in the way…

  • Prayer: Bind The Enemy

    Prayer: Bind The Enemy

    Dear Lord, Thank You for my marriage. Thank You for my husband. I pray You would bless my marriage. I pray my husband and I would continue to experience deep intimacy that brings us even more closer to You. I pray against the enemy and his tactics to destroy our marriage. Bind the enemy in…