Author: Unveiled Wife

  • Prayer: Marriage Revival

    Prayer: Marriage Revival

    Dear Lord, Thank You for today. Thank You for our marriage. Thank You for the growth we have experienced and the love we have for each other. We pray our love for one another would continue to grow stronger. We pray for a marriage revival that starts in our relationship today. We pray our hearts…

  • Prayer: Gaining Knowledge

    Prayer: Gaining Knowledge

    Dear Lord, Thank You for the many resources You have provided to us so that we may increase our knowledge and understanding of all things in life. Most importantly, we thank You for Your Holy Word. We pray we would always be learners. We pray we would eager to know more about the world around…

  • Prayer: Holding Hands

    Prayer: Holding Hands

    Dear Lord,  Thank You for the ability to experience physical touch. Thank You for the message it sends and the intimacy that forms from being able to share physical touch with one another. We pray we would take every opportunity we have to hold hands, hug, and many other ways we can affirm one another…

  • Prayer: Sharing The Workload

    Prayer: Sharing The Workload

    Dear Lord,  Thank You for Your faithfulness. You have carried us through some extraordinary times. We are grateful to be able to put our trust in You. We pray a blessing over our marriage. Please keep us close to You and close to each other. We pray we would be a better team. Please show…

  • Prayer: Our Appearances

    Prayer: Our Appearances

    Dear Lord,  Thank You for our marriage. Thank You for our bodies and how You designed them to do all that we have been able to do. Thank You for the way You created us to be attracted to each other. We pray we would do our best to take care of our bodies and…

  • Prayer: Courage To Initiate

    Prayer: Courage To Initiate

    Dear Lord,  Thank You for pursuing us and showing us Your great love. We pray we would be a couple who pursues each other with great love. We pray we would know each other well. Please give us the courage to initiate in our marriage, to be romantic, to consider each other’s needs and aim…