Category: Communication

  • 4 Practical Ways To Show Respect

    4 Practical Ways To Show Respect

    While this idea may be completely foreign to us, men tend to seek respect and affirmation and women tend to seek companionship and love. Statistics show that 3 out of 4 men would rather feel unloved than disrespected. (Love & Respect, Eggerichs) In our love-dominated society, it is portrayed that love should be unending and…

  • A Great Way To Reconnect In Marriage

    A Great Way To Reconnect In Marriage

    The fresh, pine-scented air filled our lungs, refreshing tired bodies and spirits. Our fingers laced together in the silence. We drove this way for a long time. Hours. We had been given this amazing opportunity to spend a few uninterrupted hours exploring one of our nation’s most beautiful treasures. Hour upon hour to reconnect, talk,…

  • Obnoxiously Loud & Frustrated

    Obnoxiously Loud & Frustrated

    If you are like me, you have not mastered the art of graceful communication.  In fact, your techniques are a little rough around the edges.  Don’t fret; there is still hope for you and me… it is just a process that may take a little while longer to perfect. Communicating with my husband can often…

  • Why Is It So Hard To Say I’m Sorry In Marriage

    Why Is It So Hard To Say I’m Sorry In Marriage

    Why Is It So Hard To Say I’m Sorry? Such a small phrase, seemingly easy enough to say, yet in marriage these words have a huge impact, whether said or especially, not said.  Every couple has their marital battles, but I am willing to bet that if we all had the time to talk about…

  • Are You Contemplating Divorce?

    Are You Contemplating Divorce?

    I was just reading Matthew 1:18-25 and my heart dropped when Joseph was contemplating divorce.  “8This is how the birth of Jesus the Messiah came about: His mother Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph, but before they came together, she was found to be pregnant through the Holy Spirit. 19 Because Joseph her…

  • Winning Isn’t Winning In Marriage

    Winning Isn’t Winning In Marriage

    Every marriage will face circumstances that are not very enjoyable.  Did you just get a churning in your stomach?  Or did a memory pop up of a situation with your spouse that left residue of anger or frustration?  There are times in marriage where spouses do not see “eye-to-eye” and the result is usually an…