Category: Marriage Prayers Daily

  • Prayer: No More Bad Dreams

    Prayer: No More Bad Dreams

    Dear Lord, My dreams are so vivid and so real. When I wake from a bad dream my heart pounds with anxiety. I pray and ask You would protect me from having bad dreams. Watch over me as I sleep. Keep me safe even in my dreams. I also ask that You would use my…

  • Prayer: Comfort During Separation

    Prayer: Comfort During Separation

    Dear Lord, I pray for husbands and wives who are currently separated. No matter what the reason is, I pray You would comfort them. I also pray Your Holy Spirit would guide them and speak to them during this time. Keep their focus on You and Your will. Lord, may You reconcile hearts that are…

  • Prayer Of The Day – Controlling Anger

    Prayer Of The Day – Controlling Anger

    Dear Lord, I am so sorry for my anger.  I know that it is sin when I take out my anger on my husband in a negative way.  Please help me to have self-control when it comes to anger.  I realize that anger is an emotion that you designed us to have, but like anything…

  • Prayer Of The Day – Placing The Blame

    Prayer Of The Day – Placing The Blame

    Dear Heavenly Father, I admit that I have a struggle of blaming my husband for quite a lot of stuff. If anything happens in our life, big or small, I am very quick to explain how it is my husband’s fault or how it is not my fault. I am so sorry for doing this.…

  • Prayer: Snoring

    Prayer: Snoring

    Dear Lord, Thank you for my husband. Thank you for the life we get to share as one flesh. I am amazed at all the different seasons we have endured together. You have given us a strong love and it continues to grow. I lift up other marriages to you right now and ask that…

  • Prayer: Marriage Revival

    Prayer: Marriage Revival

    Dear God, Let your Holy Spirit rain on every marriage! Open up the flood gates of grace in each home! Cause a revolution in the heart of each husband and wife! Use our marriages to bring about revival. In Jesus’ Mighty name AMEN!