Category: Marriage Prayers Daily

  • Prayer Of The Day – Receiving Your Husband As A Gift

    Prayer Of The Day – Receiving Your Husband As A Gift

    Dear God, thank you for the gift of our husbands! We praise you for the opportunity to be a helper. May we never waste the precious moments to serve you and our spouse! Holy Spirit we receive you and ask that we can yield to you as you guide us as wives! We pray for…

  • Prayer: Being Thankful For Family

    Prayer: Being Thankful For Family

    Dear Lord, I am so grateful for all that you have given me.  I am thankful for my life, my understanding of you, and all that I have experienced with you.  I am thankful for all that you have provided for me and I am incredibly thankful for my family.  I pray that I will…

  • Prayer: Hard Economic Times

    Prayer: Hard Economic Times

    Dear Lord, Please help those trying to use what they have to do all they can to make it in hard economic times. May your Holy Spirit reveal to them what they can do and equip them to be able to do it.  May you continue to be our provision no matter what the economy…

  • Prayer: Experiencing More In Marriage

    Prayer: Experiencing More In Marriage

    Dear Heavenly Father, I love being married!  Thank you for giving me a husband who loves me so much!  I pray that we will experience more in our marriage.  I pray we would find more time to laugh, tell stories, go on adventures, or pray together.  I hope that we would continue to create joyful…

  • Prayer: Controlling My Tongue

    Prayer: Controlling My Tongue

    Lord, I ask that you please guide my tongue. When I want to criticize my husband’s decisions remind me to talk to You first. That You may have something to show me that I do not see. That in trusting my husband’s decision I am also trusting You. Holy Spirit please help me to control…

  • Prayer Of The Day – Feeling Isolated In Marriage

    Prayer Of The Day – Feeling Isolated In Marriage

    Dear God, Although marriage can be so great, there are times that we feel so isolated from our spouse.  Whether tension has built up from an outside source or from the relationship itself, it hurts.  To sit shoulder to shoulder or lay next to someone yet feel miles away is torturous.  For others, such as husbands…