Category: Marriage Prayers Daily

  • Prayer: Having An Open Heart

    Prayer: Having An Open Heart

    Dear Lord,  Thank You for the growth we have experienced in our marriage. Thank You for caring about every detail of our lives. We pray we would always have open hearts toward one another. We pray we would share our hearts with each other. We pray we would share what is going on in our…

  • Prayer: Playing Together

    Prayer: Playing Together

    Dear Lord,  Thank You for nature and the beauty found all around this world. Thank You for the way You designed life! We are in awe of You. We pray we would take more time to explore nature and the many things You have created. We pray we would adventure together, even if it is…

  • Prayer: Heavy Burdens

    Prayer: Heavy Burdens

    Dear Lord, Thank You for always helping us through our circumstances. No matter what heavy burdens overwhelm us, Your Word reminds us not to worry or fear. We pray we would run to You sooner and trust in You more. We pray we would lay our burdens at Your feet and be confident that You…

  • Prayer: Emotional Intimacy

    Prayer: Emotional Intimacy

    Dear Lord,  Thank You for all the ways You care for us. We praise You and we love You. We pray for our marriage. We pray we would be protected from the threats of the enemy. We pray You would protect us from our own flesh getting in the way of our oneness. Please help…

  • Prayer: Gentleness

    Prayer: Gentleness

    Dear Lord,  Thank You for Your gentleness. Thank You for showing us our sin and leading us away from it. Thank You for renewing us. We pray we would be gentle people. We pray we would be gentle toward one another. We pray our words would be gentle and that our actions would be gentle.…

  • Prayer: Peacemakers

    Prayer: Peacemakers

    Dear Lord,  Thank You for blessing us with Your peace. Although this world and the circumstances we go through are challenging and try to take away our peace, we know You are our peace. We pray that we both would strive to be peacemakers. We pray we would do everything in our power to be…