Category: Marriage Prayers Daily

  • Prayer: Endurance

    Prayer: Endurance

    Dear Lord,  Thank You for encouraging us and equipping us to endure. There are many challenges in life and many hard circumstances that tempt us to give up or be frustrated. We pray You would continue to help us to endure and to be a light as we endure. We pray our marriage would be…

  • Prayer: Overcoming Intimacy Fears

    Prayer: Overcoming Intimacy Fears

    Dear Lord,  Thank You for the way You have united us to become one in marriage. Thank You for the gift of intimacy. We pray we would not rely on each other to initiate first, but instead we would be bold and initiate intimacy. Please help us to not let things get in the way…

  • Prayer: Surrendering Everything

    Prayer: Surrendering Everything

    Dear Lord,  Thank You for showing us what true love looks like. Thank You for showing us what unconditional love and sacrifice looks like. We pray we would be more like You every day. We pray our marriage would benefit as we choose to love unconditionally. We also pray we would get better at surrendering…

  • Prayer: Family Bible Time

    Prayer: Family Bible Time

    Dear Lord,  Thank You for leading us. Thank You for loving us so perfectly. We pray You would continue to lead us through every circumstance we face. We pray our hearts would be submitted to You and that we would trust in You. We pray we would be better at committing to daily family bible…

  • Prayer: Growing Spiritually Together

    Prayer: Growing Spiritually Together

    Dear Lord,  Thank You for refining us. Thank You for maturing us. We pray we would continue to grow spiritually together. We pray You would use us to encourage each other to be reading Your Word daily. We pray we would be prayer warriors for You. Please help set our minds and our hearts on…

  • Prayer: Laughing More

    Prayer: Laughing More

    Dear Lord,  Thank You for the gift of companionship. We love each other so much. We have been getting use to the regular routine of life and work. Please help us not to neglect playing with each other. Please help us to find joy in the ordinary. We pray we would laugh more. We pray…