Category: Marriage Prayers Daily

  • Prayer: Investing In Our Marriage

    Prayer: Investing In Our Marriage

    Dear Lord,  Thank You for always drawing us closer to You and molding us. Thank You for caring for us. We pray You would continue to shape our marriage. We desire our marriage to be all that You designed it to be. We pray we would pour into our marriage in this next season of…

  • Prayer: Rejoicing Together

    Prayer: Rejoicing Together

    Dear Lord,  Thank You for the way Your Holy Spirit encourages our hearts and lifts us up. We pray we would be quick to encourage each other every day. We pray we would celebrate our victories with each other. We pray we would spend time praying over the good things and the difficult things in…

  • Prayer: For Richer Or Poorer

    Prayer: For Richer Or Poorer

    Dear Lord,  Thank You for Your amazing grace. We praise You! We recognize our need for a Savior and we are grateful for the blood of Jesus. We pray our hearts would continue to be purified and transformed by You. We pray for our marriage today. We pray our relationship would mature. We ask that…

  • Prayer: Making Decisions Together

    Prayer: Making Decisions Together

    Dear Lord,  Thank You for the freedom You have given us through Jesus Christ. We pray we would use our freedom to honor You and magnify Your name. We pray a blessing over our marriage. Please help us to walk in a manner that is worthy. We pray as we make decisions together we would…

  • Prayer: Leaving A Legacy

    Prayer: Leaving A Legacy

    Dear Lord, You are great! Thank You for the promises that You have made. Thank You for our marriage. Thank You for being our foundation. We pray we would continue to remain faithful and steadfast. We lift up our relationship to You today and ask that You would give us a vision and a hope…

  • Prayer: Understanding God

    Prayer: Understanding God

    Dear Lord,  Thank You for Your unconditional love. Thank You for Your wisdom. Thank You for Your Holy Spirit. We pray we would continue to grow in our relationship with You. We pray for wisdom. We pray we would understand You and Your Word better. We desire to know You more. We desire to grow…