Category: Marriage Prayers Daily

  • Prayer: Controlling Our Tongues

    Prayer: Controlling Our Tongues

    Dear Lord,  Thank You for the power of communication. We pray the way we communicate with each other honors You and each other. We pray we would have full control of our tongues. We pray for those moments of hardship and challenge that come our way. Please help us to have control over the words…

  • Prayer: Priorities

    Prayer: Priorities

    Dear Lord,  Thank You for leading us through this life. Thank You for Your Word which guides us and teaches us. We pray You would give us wisdom in understanding Your Word and how to apply it. We pray we would make it a priority to read Your Word every day. We pray we would…

  • Prayer: Bless Our Marriage

    Prayer: Bless Our Marriage

    Dear Lord,  Thank You for the highlands and the heartaches. We know this life is full of highs and lows. We are forever grateful that You never forsake us. You are always near. You are always working. We pray a blessing over our marriage today. Please help us to continue to persevere in our relationship…

  • Prayer: Apologizing To Each Other

    Prayer: Apologizing To Each Other

    Dear Lord,  Thank You for using the difficult things in this life to draw us closer to You. We pray we would keep running to You every day and every moment. We pray we would get better at apologizing to one another in marriage. We desire to walk in humility and to put each other…

  • Prayer: Our Family

    Prayer: Our Family

    Dear Lord,  Thank You for our marriage and our family. We are one. We pray protection over our marriage from the threat of the enemy. Please keep the enemy far from us. Please help us to walk in humility and selflessness. We pray our family would honor You. Please use us to bring glory to…

  • Prayer: Letting Go Of Past Offenses

    Prayer: Letting Go Of Past Offenses

    Dear Lord,  Thank You for taking our sins and washing them away as far as the east is from the west. We pray we would not take advantage of Your grace. We pray we would stop sinning. Holy Spirit, please help us to recognize our freedom in Christ and walk in that freedom every day.…