Category: Marriage Prayers Daily

  • Prayer: Creative Ways To Love

    Prayer: Creative Ways To Love

    Dear Lord,  Thank You for all of the many ways You have showed Your love for us. Thank You for saving us. We pray we would be people who reflect Your amazing love. We pray we would be vessels of Your love in our marriage. Please help us to love each other unconditionally. Please help…

  • Prayer: Set Our Eyes On Things Above

    Prayer: Set Our Eyes On Things Above

    Dear Lord,  Thank You for being on the throne. Thank You for dying for us and resurrecting in power, defeating death and giving us eternal life. We pray we would set our eyes on You, on Your Word, and on things above. This world tries to steal our attention every day and in every way.…

  • Prayer: Slow Progress

    Prayer: Slow Progress

    Dear Lord,  Thank You for being faithful to work in us. Thank You for transforming our lives and making us new. We pray we would not be discouraged when we fall short again and again. Please assure us that You are still working in our lives. We pray our slow progress of becoming more pure…

  • Prayer: Nurturing Our Marriage

    Prayer: Nurturing Our Marriage

    Dear Lord,  Thank You for our marriage. We dedicate our hearts to pursuing each other better. We pray we would be intentional to nurture our marriage. Please help us to identify areas of our relationship that need to be mended, reconciled, or fixed. Please help us to see if there are parts of our marriage…

  • Prayer: Protection For Our Marriage

    Prayer: Protection For Our Marriage

    Dear Lord,  Thank You for life. Thank You for our marriage. We are grateful for every day we get to spend together. We pray for the time ahead. We pray for protection against unforeseen threats. We pray for help during storms that are heading our way. We pray for courage to endure any trials we…

  • Prayer: Pursuing God Together

    Prayer: Pursuing God Together

    Dear Lord,  Thank You for pursuing us. Thank You for saving us. Thank You for loving us unconditionally. We pray we would seek to pursue You all the days of our lives. We pray we would rest in Your Word. We pray we would have hearts dedicated to prayer. We desire to chase boldly after…