Category: Marriage Prayers Daily

  • Prayer: Comforting Each Other

    Prayer: Comforting Each Other

    Dear Lord,  Thank You for Your Holy Spirit who comforts us and brings to mind all that You have said in Your Word. We pray our hearts would remain sensitive to the leading of Your Holy Spirit in our lives. We pray we would be quick to turn away from sin and quick to repent.…

  • Prayer: Getting To Know Each Other

    Prayer: Getting To Know Each Other

    Dear Lord,  Thank You for all of the moments we have shared together in marriage and the many more still to come. We have been blessed to spend this time together. We pray we would be intentional to use our time to continue getting to know each other. Please don’t let pride keep us from…

  • Prayer: Please Use Our Marriage

    Prayer: Please Use Our Marriage

    Dear Lord,  Thank You for the example of Your Son, Jesus Christ. We pray our characters would look like Jesus. We pray our hearts would care about the things He cares about. We pray we would be compassionate, gentle, strong, and steadfast. We pray You would use our marriage to do great things. We pray…

  • Prayer: No Lying

    Prayer: No Lying

    Dear Lord,  Thank You for Your Word of truth. We pray we would abide in Your truth every day. We pray we would be obedient to Your Word. We pray we would strive to live reconciled to You, pure, and steadfast in our faith. We pray we would not lie. If we are ever tempted…

  • Prayer: Making The Little Things Count

    Prayer: Making The Little Things Count

    Dear Lord,  Thank You for another day to honor You. We pray our marriage honors You. We pray we would be intentional to choose our words and our actions carefully. We pray we would take advantage of making every moment count, especially the little things. We pray our hearts would be tuned in and concerned…

  • Prayer: Complementing Each Other

    Prayer: Complementing Each Other

    Dear Lord,  Thank You for today. Thank You for giving us the opportunity to have an even better day than yesterday. We pray we would choose to walk in the Spirit and not our flesh. Please help us to choose righteousness and flee the temptation to sin. We pray we would support each other and…