Category: Marriage Prayers Daily

  • Prayer: Companionship Is A Must In Marriage

    Prayer: Companionship Is A Must In Marriage

    Dear Lord, Thank You for the gift of marriage. Thank You for my husband and the gift of companionship we have. I pray that You move powerfully in our marriage and in other marriages and bless us all with the gift of companionship. I pray for husbands and wives who have drifted apart, may You consume…

  • Prayer: Miraculous Healing

    Prayer: Miraculous Healing

    Dear Lord, I lift up wives who are injured, in pain, diagnosed with a disease, or disabled for any reason. I pray for miraculous healing. May Your Holy Spirit anoint these wives, may they experience freedom from the hardships they endure, and may the testimony of their healing glorify You Lord! Even if never healed,…

  • Prayer: Perfect Peace

    Prayer: Perfect Peace

    Dear Lord, I pray for Your perfect peace to fill my heart. I pray You would remove any anxious thoughts and any fear that is in my heart and mind. Lord, please touch my heart. Overwhelm me with Your peace. Comfort me. I pray for rest and I pray that I can be still before…

  • Prayer: The Word

    Prayer: The Word

    Dear Lord, Thank You for the gift of Your Holy Word. Thank You for the Bible. I pray I would continue to make it a priority to read Your Word every day. I pray Your Words would be written on my heart. Thank You for my husband. I pray he would always lead me according…

  • Prayer: The Things I Say

    Prayer: The Things I Say

    Dear Lord, Thank You for the gift of communication. I pray my husband and I continue to mature in the way we communicate with each other. I pray we are able to use our words to describe how we feel and to help each other understand where we are. I pray the things that I…

  • Prayer: Renewing Love In My Marriage

    Prayer: Renewing Love In My Marriage

    Dear Lord, Thank You for my marriage. Thank You for my life and my husband’s life. Thank You for always providing for us. Thank You also for helping us diffuse fights when we get upset, comforting us when we grieve, and filling our hearts with joy. You have helped us grow in so many ways.…