Category: Marriage Prayers Daily

  • Prayer: Building A Home

    Prayer: Building A Home

    Dear Lord, Thank You for the home You have provided for our family. I pray that my heart would always be content for what You have for us and tuned into You for guidance. I pray I can help my husband as we build our home up. I pray we can get on a good…

  • Prayer: Protection Against Unforeseen Threats

    Prayer: Protection Against Unforeseen Threats

    Dear Heavenly Father, My heart is burdened over the unforeseen threats that come against my marriage as well as against other people’s marriage. There are so many things in this world that can bring us down, hurt us, or threaten to steal our joy. I pray protection over all of us that no matter what…

  • Prayer: Communicating With My Husband

    Prayer: Communicating With My Husband

    Dear God, Thank You for the gift of marriage. Thank You for my husband. We have grown so much together and I know we have matured in the way that we talk to each other. I pray that as the years continue on, we would grow to communicate with each other even better. I pray…

  • Prayer: Praying With Your Husband

    Prayer: Praying With Your Husband

    Dear Lord, Thank you for the gift of prayer!  I love being able to communicate with you throughout the day. Thank you for also hearing my requests and answering my prayers!  You are an awesome God, worthy to be praised!  I am also thankful that my husband and I pray together everyday.  I realize not…

  • Prayer: Resting In God’s Peace

    Prayer: Resting In God’s Peace

    Dear Heavenly Father, This world is crazy, chaotic, and quick. Everything is fast pace, problems compile, issues simmer, and there seems to be no time to address much of anything, let alone just rest. Evil parades around and takes lives. Terrorism strikes fear in the hearts of everyone. Please give us peace among the chaos…

  • Prayer: Marriages Facing Crisis

    Prayer: Marriages Facing Crisis

    Dear God, I come to You today and pray for marriages that are facing any kind of crisis. You know everyone’s situation well, so I ask that You intercede on behalf of husbands and wives. May You fill their hearts with courage, comfort, understanding and love. Please shed light on the different circumstances and remind everyone…