Category: Marriage Prayers Daily

  • Prayer: Wives In Need Of Healing

    Prayer: Wives In Need Of Healing

    Dear God, I come before You today and lift up wives to You. I pray for any wife that needs to be healed, whether from a physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual pain or problem. I pray for restoration. I ask that You would reach down and touch each wife, giving them peace beyond understanding. Equip us…

  • Prayer: When Tiredness Strikes A Marriage

    Prayer: When Tiredness Strikes A Marriage

    Dear Lord, I humble myself before You in prayer, seeking restoration, comfort, peace, and energy. So often tiredness strikes marriage, I respond to my husband from selfishness and have no energy to serve him. Please renew my heart so that I am not too exhausted to love well. Give strength to my muscles, alertness to…

  • Prayer: Pursuing Intimacy

    Prayer: Pursuing Intimacy

    Dear Lord, I pray for myself and for other wives who struggle with initiating intimacy. I pray we would have the courage to pursue our husbands. I pray we would not let other excuses help us justify why we shouldn’t. I pray nothing steals our heart’s attention away from our husbands. May You inspire us…

  • Prayer: Unconditional Love

    Prayer: Unconditional Love

    Dear God, I thank You for today. Thank You for Your unconditional love and thank You for my husband. I pray for my husband, that You would fill him with Your Holy Spirit. Equip him to lead our family and yield to Your will. I pray that our marriage would be fulfilled in every way. I…

  • Prayer: When I Desire Romance

    Prayer: When I Desire Romance

    Dear Lord, Thank You for my life. Thank You for my dear husband. I love him so much. I am so grateful for our marriage and the time we get to spend together. I pray for the desire I have for more romance. I pray my husband would be inspired to romance me in new…

  • Prayer: Insecurities With Your Spouse

    Prayer:  Insecurities With Your Spouse

    Dear God, Thank You for Your lovingkindness. You have shown me time and time again the love You have for me. I pray over my marriage right now. May You help me to be the best wife I can be to my husband. I pray for other wives to be a blessing to their husbands…