Category: Marriage Prayers Daily

  • Prayer: Refine Us

    Prayer: Refine Us

    Dear Lord,  We exalt You! We praise You! Thank You for giving us life. Thank You for Salvation. Thank You for the gift of communication and friendship in our marriage. We pray we would continue to pursue You and pursue each other. Lord, please refine our hearts. Sanctify us and purify us. We desire to…

  • Prayer: Using Our Marriage For Good

    Prayer: Using Our Marriage For Good

    Dear Lord,  Thank You for creating us with purpose. Thank You for Your great design and the thoughtfulness You poured into making us unique individuals. Thank You for bringing us together in marriage, unifying us, and making us one. We pray Your purpose for our marriage would prevail. We pray we would not let our…

  • Prayer: Connecting With Family

    Prayer: Connecting With Family

    Dear Lord,  Thank You for family. Thank You for our marriage and thank You for our in-laws. Thank You for our extended family. We pray for both of our families right now. We pray we would make it a priority to connect with them, check on them, visit them if we can, host them, and…

  • Prayer: Support For Marriage

    Prayer: Support For Marriage

    Dear Lord,  Thank You for all the many ways You are with us and walk with us every day. We trust You and know that You are near. We pray we would honor You with our marriage. We pray there would be no challenge or trial that tears us down or separates us. We pray…

  • Prayer: Protection From The Enemy

    Prayer: Protection From The Enemy

    Dear Lord,  Thank You for being our refuge. Thank You for being our security. Thank You for protecting us and leading us each and every day. We pray protection over our marriage. Please keep us safe from the attacks of the enemy. Please protect us from evil. We pray our marriage would be strong to…

  • Prayer: Truth Tellers

    Prayer: Truth Tellers

    Dear Lord,  Thank You for the truth of Your Word. Thank You for the Holy Bible. Thank You for the access You have given us to the truth. We pray we would not take it for granted that we have access to the truth. We pray we would study the truth and know the truth.…