Author: Unveiled Wife

  • Prayer: Reflecting On The Good

    Prayer: Reflecting On The Good

    Dear Lord,  Thank You for Your goodness. Thank You for all the good You have done in our lives and in our marriage. We pray we would remember all the good we have experienced in our relationship, especially during times that are difficult or challenging. We pray we would have a good understanding of the…

  • Prayer: Being Content

    Prayer: Being Content

    Dear Lord,  Thank You for our life. Thank You for our marriage. We pray we would not take for granted all the simplest of miracles You have given to us, like breathing and being alive. We pray we would be truly content no matter what circumstances we are encountering. We pray our hearts would be…

  • Prayer: Intimacy With God

    Prayer: Intimacy With God

    Dear Lord, Thank You for drawing our hearts close to Yours. We pray our intimacy with You would deepen and grow as time goes on. We pray we would choose to read Your Word every day with the intention of abiding in You. We pray our hearts would be quick to pray and slow to…

  • Prayer: The Gift Of Marriage

    Prayer: The Gift Of Marriage

    Dear Lord,  Thank You for the time we have spent together in our relationship. We are so grateful for the memories we have made and the experiences we have shared that has helped us grow. We pray we would be grateful for the gift of marriage all the days of our lives. We pray we…

  • Prayer: Our Vows

    Prayer: Our Vows

    Dear Lord,  Thank You for our wedding vows. Thank You for designing and establishing marriage. We pray we would remember our vows and the commitment we have made to each other. We pray our vows will be a pillar to hold up the foundation of our marriage. We pray our foundation is strong. When hard…

  • Prayer: Our Legacy Of Love

    Prayer: Our Legacy Of Love

    Dear Lord, Thank You for Your faithfulness. Thank You for never giving up on us. Thank You for loving us, despite our inability to be perfect. Thank You for Jesus Christ, who paid the price for our sin. We are deeply grateful for His sacrifice. We pray we would look to Jesus as an example…