Author: Unveiled Wife

  • Prayer: Our Extraordinary Faith

    Prayer: Our Extraordinary Faith

    Dear Lord,  Thank You for salvation. Thank You for Your Word and the truth of Your testimony. Thank You for giving us a way to repent of sin, believe in Your Son, Jesus Christ, that He died and resurrected, making a way for us to be with You forever. We pray our faith would be…

  • Prayer: Our Extraordinary Oneness

    Prayer: Our Extraordinary Oneness

    Dear Lord, Thank You for today. Thank You for another opportunity to love each other well. Thank You for helping us as we work together for Your will to be done. We pray we would recognize and never lose sight of our extraordinary oneness in marriage. Remind us daily of the purpose You have for…

  • Prayer: Our Extraordinary Marriage

    Prayer: Our Extraordinary Marriage

    Dear Lord,  Thank You for our marriage. Thank You for the time we have spent together. Thank You for the time we have struggled together and thank You for the victories we have shared together. We pray we would see how extraordinary our marriage is and the purpose You have given our relationship. We pray…

  • Prayer: Making Wise Decisions

    Prayer: Making Wise Decisions

    Dear Lord,  Thank You for Your wisdom and truth. Thank You for Your Holy Word that guides us and teaches us Your ways. We pray we would be a couple who makes wise decisions. We pray we would be thoughtful and considerate as we navigate decisions together. We pray we would honor You with every…

  • Prayer: God’s Design Of Marriage

    Prayer: God’s Design Of Marriage

    Dear Lord,  Thank You for Your design of marriage. Thank You for the creative way You made two become one. We pray we would see and understand the power of our unity in marriage. We pray we would know the many ways You created us different and how those differences benefit our marriage. We pray…

  • Prayer: When Hard Days Persist

    Prayer: When Hard Days Persist

    Dear Lord,  Thank You for today. We pray we would learn to be content even when hard days persist. We pray we would seek to serve each other and be available to support each other. We pray that when hard days come, we would be quick to encourage each other. Please help us to be…