Author: Unveiled Wife

  • Prayer: Truly Forgiving Each Other

    Prayer: Truly Forgiving Each Other

    Dear Lord, Thank You for Your mercy and grace. Thank You for the gift of forgiveness. We pray for our marriage right now. We pray we would be a couple who truly forgives each other. Please help us to reconcile our hearts and minds so that we remain strong as one. Please help us to…

  • Prayer: When Disappointment Hits

    Prayer: When Disappointment Hits

    Dear Lord,  Thank You for Your steadfast love and faithfulness. Thank You for Your goodness. Thank You for leading us through Your Word and drawing us closer to You. We pray our faith increases and that our understanding of Your Word continues to grow. We pray for our marriage. We pray You would help our…

  • Prayer: Living Debt-Free

    Prayer: Living Debt-Free

    Dear Lord, Thank You for Your provision. Thank You for always providing for our needs. Thank You for the times of abundance we have been able to experience. Thank You for always carrying us through. We pray we would be good stewards of all You have given us. We pray we would be a couple…

  • Prayer: Spreading Joy

    Prayer: Spreading Joy

    Dear Lord,  Thank You for the assurance of Salvation. Thank You for making a way for us to be with You for eternity. Thank You for the joy You give us. We pray we would be vessels who carry Your joy with us wherever we go. We pray joy pours out of us. We pray…

  • Prayer: Iron Sharpens Iron

    Prayer: Iron Sharpens Iron

    Dear Lord,  Thank You for the wisdom You give us through Your Word. We pray we would be a couple who is known for living with wisdom and making wise choices. We pray we would sharpen one another, just as Your Word says that iron sharpens iron. Please help us to stimulate growth in each…

  • Prayer: Receive From The Lord

    Prayer: Receive From The Lord

    Dear Lord,  Thank You for today. We pray our marriage would be a light in this world. We pray our relationship would show one another, and others, Your love. We pray our marriage would continue to grow as You mature us and transform us. We pray we would be more like You as You sanctify…