Category: Encouragements For Wives

  • Prayer: The Working Wife

    Prayer: The Working Wife

    Dear God, I lift up all wives who work, which is every wife! I pray for the wives who leave there home to work and ask that You would give them peace at their job. Provide a safe working environment for them and give them opportunities for promotion. I ask that You would help them…

  • Being Thankful For My Marriage Required This…

    Being Thankful For My Marriage Required This…

    I was thankful for my marriage the moment I became a wife. I was thankful to have the opportunity to marry my best friend and I was thankful to share our lives together. However, a few years down the road and my vision got a little cloudy. It became more difficult to be thankful for…

  • 39 Rituals To Do With Your Family To Build Strong Love

    39 Rituals To Do With Your Family To Build Strong Love

    Is today any different than yesterday? Yes, today is different and I want to celebrate! Today I woke up to a winter wonderland. The first snow of the season has made its debut and it is absolutely stunning. About a week ago my friends and I were in bible study discussing the importance of rituals…

  • Prayer: Resist The Enemy

    Prayer: Resist The Enemy

    Dear Lord, Please help us to resist the enemy! Fill us with strength and endurance to say no to the temptations the enemy tries to trap us with. Open our eyes to see when the enemy is on the prowl and to distinguish when he is deceiving and lying to us. Bring us alongside our…

  • Affirming Your Husband In His Role As A Father

    Affirming Your Husband In His Role As A Father

    Today I am featured at The Better Mom where I share a personal story of when I affirmed my husband in his role as a father. {Read it here!} I believe it is extremely important for wives to see the value in our husbands and affirm them. I believe it is vital for us to…

  • 3 Things That Can Hinder Intimacy & 1 That Can Change Everything!

    3 Things That Can Hinder Intimacy & 1 That Can Change Everything!

    The first few years of my marriage were tough. I had to learn and adjust to a whole new lifestyle as I lived with my new husband. I thought that our marriage would unfold naturally and perfectly. I was convinced that our love for each other would be strong enough to get us through anything.…