Category: Encouragements For Wives

  • The Code Word That Helps My Husband Understand Me

    The Code Word That Helps My Husband Understand Me

    Have you ever felt like you were going to burst through your skin, raging with frustration, yet ready to cry at the same time?   Maybe you have experienced a moment when everything was fine between you and your husband… and then he asks you, What’s wrong?” He senses something, and you know it is there too,…

  • Being A Peacemaker & Bearing With One Another In Love

    Being A Peacemaker & Bearing With One Another In Love

    Being a peacemaker is part of my personality. I hate conflict and confrontation. I try to appease others, I make sacrifices and I fight for peace. I care about my relationships and I desire to make every effort to keep unity through peace. However, in marriage, I have realized that I am more likely to…

  • My Husband Is Not The Enemy

    My Husband Is Not The Enemy

    Grandma, are you married?” My mom turned around to see my curious son in the backseat, waiting for her response. She smiled as she explained, “Yes, I’m married to grandpa!” Then we both chimed in on the way things work as far as grandma and grandma having me and then how I married dad and…

  • This Is For Everyone Who Feels Like Giving Up

    This Is For Everyone Who Feels Like Giving Up

    The feeling of giving up has a wide array of accompanying emotions. Depression, anger, confusion, frustration, sadness, bitterness, exhaustion… Have you been there? Are you in that place of giving up right now? We all face different types of circumstances that test us and challenge us. Being confronted with the thought of giving up as emotions…

  • Traveling Through Life Together

    Traveling Through Life Together

    Two such as you with such a master speed Cannot be parted nor be swept away From one another once you are agreed That life is only life forevermore Together wing to wing and oar to oar. This short excerpt is from The Master Speed by Robert Frost and it encouraged me so much for marriage.…

  • Lean On God First, Then Your Husband {Proverbs 3:5-6 }

    Lean On God First, Then Your Husband {Proverbs 3:5-6 }

    Almost every day of my marriage, I have been confronted with a choice…to lean on God or to lean on my own understanding, to lean on my husband, to lean on the wisdom of the world. There are many things in this life that seem like it would be helpful. In my pride I even…