Category: Marriage Prayers Daily

  • Prayer: Experiencing God In Your Marriage

    Prayer: Experiencing God In Your Marriage

    Dear God, My heart burns in anguish over marriages! I pray that every marriage experiences You uniquely and personally. I pray that husbands and wives experience love like they have never known. I ask that You would fulfill marriages wholly and completely.  Please reveal Yourself to husbands and wives, drawing them close to You. I pray…

  • Prayer: Breaking Chains Of Addiction

    Prayer: Breaking Chains Of Addiction

    Dear God, I pray over my life and my husband’s life. Thank You for the gift of marriage. I pray our marriage is free from the bonds of sin. You are our Defender, our Savior, our Redeemer! I ask that You would break the chains of addiction in anyone’s life who is struggling. anyone who…

  • Prayer: Patience In Marriage

    Prayer: Patience In Marriage

    Dear God, I come before You and pray over marriages. I pray for protection against the enemy. I pray that our marriages would be fulfilled in every way. I pray that our attitudes as wives would be respectful, loving, kind and patient. I pray our husbands would also have an attitude of unconditional love, respect, kindness,…

  • Prayer: Stop Rejecting

    Prayer: Stop Rejecting

    Dear Lord, I pray that I stop rejecting my husband. I don’t do it intentionally, rather it is whenever I consider myself more important that him. I know this hurts him. Please help me to be more aware of my actions and help me to stop rejecting him, especially when he is inviting me to…

  • Prayer: We Must Be Praying

    Prayer: We Must Be Praying

    Dear Lord, So much is going on in the world right now. So much sorrow, fear, need. I pray that things are brought to our attention so that we can be prayer warriors fighting on the frontlines in battle through prayer. I pray that not one day goes by that we do not neglect to…

  • Prayer: Intentionally Loving Your Husband

    Prayer: Intentionally Loving Your Husband

    Dear God, I pray for marriages all around the world.  I pray for wives and husbands, asking that You bless them and fulfill their marriage in every way. I pray that wives will be able to forgive their husbands when they are wronged, bring peace through their tones, encourage companionship and promote oneness. I pray…