Category: Marriage Prayers Daily

  • Prayer: Less Arguing, More Playing

    Prayer: Less Arguing, More Playing

    Dear Lord, Thank You for my marriage. I am so grateful for my husband…even when we have hard days. I know conflict is inevitable, but I do desire that we handle it appropriately. Lord, please help us to argue less and play more. Our marriage needs more fun, more engagement, more laughter, and more spontaneity.…

  • Prayer: Forgiving Your Husband

    Prayer: Forgiving Your Husband

    God Lord, We lift up our marriages to you.  Please show us how we can love and respect our husbands more.  Please soften our hearts when we feel wronged and help us to forgive our husbands. Help us to understand how forgiveness can lead to healing and restoration.  Break our pride and stubbornness.   When…

  • Prayer: Showing My Husband Affection

    Prayer: Showing My Husband Affection

    Dear Lord, I pray for my husband. I pray that You would anoint him so that he can lead our family as You have called him to. I pray he is filled with wisdom and discernment. Give him the energy he needs to endure each day. I also pray for me. Please help me to…

  • Prayer: Managing Healthy Eating

    Prayer: Managing Healthy Eating

    Dear Lord, I know this may seem like a random prayer, but I really need help transforming my eating habits. I am usually good about eating healthy, but when I am not, I feel awful. Unfortunately, my husband and I have a difficult time keeping each other accountable in this area of our marriage. We…

  • Prayer: Initiating Intimacy In Marriage

    Prayer: Initiating Intimacy In Marriage

    Dear Lord, I pray for my marriage today. I pray that my husband and I would both initiate intimacy in our relationship. Lately we have been short with each other, focused on pursuing other important things, while our marriage suffers. My heart needs emotional connection and my husband needs physical attention. We both have needs,…

  • Prayer: Confronting The Issue

    Prayer: Confronting The Issue

    Dear Lord, Thank You for today. Thank You for my life and for my husband. I pray for courage. I pray that I would be strong enough to confront any issue that rises up in my marriage. Holy Spirit please guide me and help me to remain respectful no matter what. I pray for peace…